Cash discount is when a merchant charges a customer a fee to use their credit card for payment. Merchants do not have to raise their prices, the fee is passed onto the customers by a complimenting terminal, POS System, Gateway, or card reader provided at NO cost to the merchant. Merchant pays NO monthly fees for accepting credit or debit cards as a form of payment.
Is it Legal to Offer Cash Discount?
In the US it is legal to offer cash discount to customers, this is all primarily due to the Durbin Amendment and add-on to the 2010 Dodd-Frank Law. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act included wide-range financial reform in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. This allows merchant to offer the cash discount program as the Durbin Amendment protects the rights of business owners to offer cash discount in all 50 states.
Cash Discount Rules and Regulations:
In order for a merchant to offer cash discount the business owner must adhere to the following to be complement will all major card brands:
- Posting the cash discount details at the entrance and the checkout counter
- Clearly denoting any cash discount on receipt
- Compliant processing terminal, POS System, Gateway, or card reader all supplied free to the merchant for free
- Registered with all major card brands
To participate in the cash discount program, fill out the below link and a DocuSign will be send for approval and signature(s). Upon approval you will receive a free processing terminal, pay no monthly fees, and will be registered with all cards brand.
Rate Passed onto the Customer:
Average Ticket
$0 - $20
$0.65 - $1.00
$21 - $50
$51 - $100
$101 - $500
$501 and up
Plan for tomorrow today with Zero Cost Processing